Summer Session forms are available via fillable PDF’s. Students can download the forms needed, complete it and email out for approval via their UC Merced email. Students are responsible for sending forms out via email and for submitting to the Students First Center for processing when required.
No wet signatures are required--effective immediately UC Merced is accepting approval via your email address. UC Merced will also accept email approval from your faculty member. No need for you or your faculty member to sign the form.
UC Merced Summer Session Forms
- Summer Session Application: Non-continuing UC Merced/Incoming UC Merced/Other UC Students
- Summer Session Application: Non-UC and High School Students
- Reinstatement Application : Complete this form if you are a former UC Merced student who would like to petition for reinstatement to the university. More information about returning to UC Merced can be found here .
- Summer Session Add/Drop Form : Complete this form to make changes to your class schedule. Information on the dates and deadlines for changing your class schedule can be found here .
- Summer Session Course Withdrawal Form: Submit this form to withdraw from your Summer Session courses.
- Summer Session Requisite Override Form : Current UC Merced Students: If a course has a prerequisite that has not been met, use this form to obtain instructor signature. Visiting Students: Please e-mail for requisite overrides.
- Summer Session ONLY Independent Study Form : Complete this form in order to enroll in directed group study, directed independent study or research.
- Repeat Request Form (Only for SSHA students or Summer Session Only students who wish to repeat a SSHA course): Complete this form if you wish to repeat a course. This form is only required for students in the School of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts (SSHA) or for Summer Session Only students who wish to repeat a SSHA course (anthropology, cognitive science, economics, English, history, management, political science, psychology, public health, sociology or Spanish). This form may also be submitted electronically by e-mailing a scanned copy to . For more information on the repeat policy, click here .
- Subsequent Repeat Request Form: If you are planning to take a course for a third (or more) time, this form must be completed and submitted to your advisor. If you are a Summer Session Only student, please e-mail for further guidance. For more information on the repeat policy, click here .
- Name Change Form : Submit this form and supporting documentation to the Office of the Registrar.
- Assign an Incomplete Grade Form : Faculty must complete this form when assigning an incomplete grade and obtain a student signature. Return to the Office of the Registrar by the end of the final examination period.
- Permission to Release Education Record : Complete this form to release aspects of your educational record to a third party.
- International Student Supplemental Form : Along with the Summer Session application, each international student must also complete this form.