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UC Merced student sitting in dorm room



Skills Academy Paid Courses Options:



Two Additional Courses Added:

Data Visualization

Database Management Essentials


UC Merced wants you to feel ready for the career you WANT after you graduate!

Enroll in an online class and learn a skill relevant to your desired career path.

Winter Skills: Students can earn an incentive for completing one course ($50 gift card) over the Winter break.

Summer Skills: Students can earn an incentive for completing one course ($50 gift card) or two courses ($75 gift card total).

Complete the course(s) and report your verified certificate and receive a gift card from your choice of several local and national businesses. 

Click here for information about seven high-income skills worth learning!


1) Choose one (or two) of the online courses listed above, and 2) enroll and pay for your course(s).

You will need to pay for the course(s) with your own personal funds. Courses have different costs. Some courses have a one-time fee and others are subscription-based. Don't forget to cancel your subscription when you complete your course if you choose a subscription-based course!

Fill out this form to let us know you're participating and to receive a reminder to submit your verified certificate.

Complete your course(s) and submit your verified certificate using this form no later than January 30 for Winter Skills, or August 20 for Summer Skills.

For more information, see the FAQ!


If you are interested in the free Google Certificate Programs, please  reach out to Summer Session on or after June 17, 2024. At that time we will know how many free seats remain.

The Google Certificate Programs include:

Google Data Analytics, Google Digital Marketing & E-commerce, Google IT Support, Google Project Management, Google UX Design, Google IT Automation, Google (Advanced) Data Analytics, and Google Business Intelligence